📖Glossary of terms

Blockchain: A decentralized and distributed digital ledger used to record transactions across multiple computers.

Buyback-and-Burn: A mechanism that involves repurchasing tokens from the market and permanently removing them from circulation to increase scarcity and value.

Closed-Loop Economy: An economic system where all profits generated are reinvested within the protocol to maintain continuous growth.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Financial services operating without centralized intermediaries, often using smart contracts on a blockchain.

Fixed Staking: A staking method that earns shares immediately for a predetermined period while locking the tokens.

Flexi Staking: A flexible staking option where tokens accrue shares monthly and can be unlocked at any time.

Rewards Pool: The fund from which staking participants receive their share of rewards based on their staking tier.

Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into lines of code on the blockchain.

Stablecoin: A type of cryptocurrency pegged to a stable asset (like USD) to minimize price volatility.

Staking: The process of locking up a specific amount of cryptocurrency in a wallet to earn rewards.

Staking Tiers: Different levels of staking tiers that require varying amounts of tokens, offering access to rewards pools.

Tokenomics: The economic design and distribution of tokens within a specific blockchain ecosystem.

Treasury: The fund managed by the protocol for ongoing product and company development.

WOW Token: The primary digital asset developed by Wealth of Wisdom for participation in their decentralized ecosystem.

WOW Wealth Protocol: The system that determines how funds and profits are allocated within the Wealth of Wisdom ecosystem.

Last updated