đ°ī¸Staking unvested WOW
Unvested WOW can be staked in the WOW Wealth Protocol to earn rewards. Note that unvested WOW cannot be combined with circulating WOW for the purpose of staking.
NB: Before claiming your claimable tokens, ensure you will have sufficient WOW remaining to stake in your desired tier. Else Stake First and Claim after
Staking unvested WOW
Go to My WOW.
Click the arrow at the side of one of the token rounds to expand the information panel.
Select Stake to earn shares.
Choose your staking tier from the dropdown menu.
Select Next Step.
Choose Fixed or Flexi staking.
Use the slider to set the duration of the staking period.
See which Pools you will earn shares in.
Verify that you understand that your WOW will be locked, and select Stake.
Approve the transaction in your wallet.
Congratulations! You can view your stakes on the Your Stakes page; scroll to Unvested stakes.
Last updated